property inspections keyda care

Property visits

Don’t leave your property unattended. Keyda Care team can visit your home and take care of

  • Inspecting and ventilating all the rooms

Especially in a Mediterranean climate, regular ventilation is extremely important.

  • Checking of all energy supplies such as gas, water, electricity, heating, air conditioning and electrical connections

Don’t worry, because we check the connections in each property visit to avoid unpleasant accidents.

  • Flush all sanitary equipment (tap, toilet)

Avoid problems, which can easily result from the longer non-use of the taps and toilets. It is also very important for the water pipes to be flushed regularly.

  • Security check for signs of burglary on doors, gates and windows

It doesn’t always have to be a “successful” burglary. Just trying is annoying. We check during our visits if everything is ok.

  • Emptying the mailbox

Overfull mailboxes (also because of advertising) is not only annoying,but it is also a sign of empty property, which might be tempting for criminals.

  • Indoor flower watering

It would be annoying if your plants missed your next stay. Therefore, we take care of your indoor plants.

  • Check garage or any studio

Of course, we also look into your garage or studio for our regular inspection.

  • General check of the entire property

Since the property is throughly inspected, we know how safe it is.

  • In the event of an incident, we contact our client immediately.

In case of an extraordinary event we will immediately contact the client by whatsapp or phone.

  • Cleaning and gardening

We are happy to carry out cleaning and gardening work as part of property management. We will be happy to make you an individual offer after visiting the property.

  • Our visit protocol is very important for you

A brief of each visit is sent to our client, in which the, including the date and times, are detailed.