Real Estate Personal Shopping

In the traditional property search, you scour the internet and look at thousands of properties, which takes up a lot of your time. We offer you to be more efficient in your search preselecting the right properties to visit and not wasting your time especially when you are not in the country and need to come on purpose.

As a personal shopper for real estate, we only work for you and are much more flexible than a real estate agent who only wants to sell the houses he has listed. We don’t want to sell you any specific property, but look for exactly the one you have in mind among all the listings.

A real estate personal shopper saves you a lot of time. When you are looking for a property you need to spend many hours looking in a multitude of online portals. Even if there is the possibility of filtering the results, the vast majority do not respect the requested options. More over many of the properties are listed on more than one portal, which translates into a waste of time for the buyer.

Taking into account that the search is carried out during free time, this means that we have to put ours or our hobbies aside, so that in the end much of that time invested won’t be fruitful.

A real estate personal shopper reaches 100% of the properties for sale on the market. A traditional real estate agency will only sell the properties that it has on its own list, while a real estate personal shopper will access the list of all agencies or individuals, and will even have access to properties that have not been openly listed.

With a personal shopper you will only visit those properties that meet your real requirements. We start with a meeting with the buyer to find out what are the needs and desires to take into account to find the right property. We will establish personalized criteria such as location, type of property, dimensions, services, budget, etc. Based on these guidelines, the properties that may be appropriate will be pre-selected and will be visited by the personal shopper and only if it really meets the expectations of the buyer, will it be proposed to be visited.

A personal shopper will negotiate the price thinking only on the buyer. Once the right property has been found, the real estate personal shopper will negotiate the price thinking only on the buyer’s interests.

With a real estate personal shopper you will have a single contact person. Dealing with a single person will give you peace of mind and agility in communication by not having to constantly repeat what you are looking for. Having a single interlocutor ensures that you will really be attended in your language at all times. When your search is far from your area of residence, a personal shopper will coordinate all your visits on the same day, even if they are from different real estate agents.